An Python editor with realtime output, using the Pyodide interpreter through WebAssembly. With this, you can write, share, and review Python code in the browser.
Laravel, WebAssembly, Vue, Python, TailwindCSS
I craft elegant experiences that
solve your problems
I'm a web engineer at Uber, where I focus on solving complex, global problems within the marketplace. I also have a Master's degree in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University, where I extensively studied software design.
Let's TalkThese are some of my favorite projects I've worked on.
An Python editor with realtime output, using the Pyodide interpreter through WebAssembly. With this, you can write, share, and review Python code in the browser.
Laravel, WebAssembly, Vue, Python, TailwindCSS
View and save your backed up conversations and voicemails without having to download a thing
React, TailwindCSS, Vite
The "second" version of my portfolio, built from scratch
Next.js, Typescript, TailwindCSS